The Sediloya co-operative is a group of 814 farmers situated in Gera. They are part of the Keta Meduga Union, a brand new ‘Limu’ union that was found in 2016. This union unites 20 co-operations in the Agaro region – one of the most promising coffee-regions of Ethiopia. The most famous co-operation’s are Biftu Gudina, Duromina and Nano Chala. As part of our development philosophy, we have decided to give a platform to some co-operatives that haven’t made much fame yet, such as Sediloya.
This coffee is produced in a semi-forest farming system, through smallholder farms ranging between 1 and 20 hectares. The cherries are delivered at the cooperative washing station where the coffee is pulped with a Penagos pulper. The mucilage is mechanically removed after it is fermented for 12 hours. It is dried for 6-7 days on elevated drying beds.