Coffee certifications

Coffee certifications:
commitment to transparency

What are coffee certifications?

Coffee certifications are a guarantee to your customer. They give them the security that their purchased coffee follows standardized criteria that benefit the growers or the environment. As a green coffee importer, we work with several coffee certification standards like Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, and several Organic certifications.

You can explore the certifications we work with below and download the certification package for your review.

Discover coffee certifications

Organic certification

Organic certification guarantees that the entire coffee supply-chain coffee has been following strict international standards of organic agriculture. Organic coffee production strives to protect the natural environment while providing healthy produce.

Rainforest Alliance

The Rainforest Alliance is dedicated to improving the livelihoods of coffee farmers and their communities through training in better agricultural practices that help improve crop yields and income, while protecting the environment.


Fairtrade changes the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions, and a fairer deal for farmers and workers in developing countries. Fairtrade focuses its efforts in coffee on small producer organizations.

Fair Trade USA

Fair Trade USA (FTUSA) aims to improve the social and environmental conditions through their comprehensive criteria. They certify both smallholders through co-operatives as well as larger farms.

Fair for Life

Fair for Life is a certification based on Fair Trade, respectful relationships, fair work conditions, and respecting the environment within and along the entire supply chain.


Coffee that is not certified by a third party. We focus on high-quality coffee therefore even if coffee certifications are not possible for that party, we look to create fair trade agreements that do not harm the natural environment.

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