The Story of Guji Coffee

This Is The Story
Of Guji Coffee

We’ve slipped you snippets and fragments of how Guji coffee came to be, but we never took the time to share the entire story. Today Tesfaye and Haile invite you back in time for a brief moment and tell you how coffee took centerstage in Guji zone.

The Crazy Ones

Tesfaye and Haile were considered crazy in their pursuit of coffee. The locals rejected the crop because it would yield four to five years after planting – far too long for their taste.

But Haile’s and Tesfaye’s perseverance and belief in the bean set Guji on the map.

A Short Documentary About The ‘Genesis’ of Guji

This short documentary tells about Haile’s and Tesfaye’s influence in one of Ethiopia’s finest and sought-after coffee areas. How they took the first steps and how they see the future of Guji. The movie also covers Menno’s involved during Guji’s ‘genesis’.

 And lastly, if you ever bought a bag of Guji coffee then we believe that this movie is about you too.

The story continues

Today, more than 45 washing stations and 55 dry mills follow the examples of Haile and Tesfaye. We are happy to source and deliver coffees from these washing stations and dry mills in 2020 again.

If you are looking for a Guji coffee we are more than happy to guide you in your search.



Our partners in Guji