In the heart of Odo Shakisso, neighboring Tesfaye Bekele’s farm, you will find the Bobea Uke drying station. Abiyot Boru is Bobea’s founder. Abiyot started from scratch, only owning a few drying beds. He bought cherries from the local smallholders, dried these in the Guji sun, and sold them to local traders.
Since 2014, Abiyot’s business started to grow, one bed at a time, until he could build an entire concrete drying station of his own. Abiyot’s drive for coffee and the market are not random. His childhood was heavily invested in coffee.
“I grew up in the coffee business as a farmer and trader. My parents were active as producers and traders. That is why I was interested to continue within the coffee business.” Abiyot has employed both family members and friends to help in daily operations.
We will keep producing excellent coffee with great cup profiles.
News of Abiyot’s drying station spread, and in 2017 Bobea started to catch momentum. Because a year later, buyers started to flock around the station and recognize the quality of Abiyot’s naturals. This gave Abiyot more foothold within the market. It even catapulted him to international grounds.
If it’s up to Abiyot, Bobea will not remain a drying station but will evolve into a washing station as well. Abiyot is excited about the future “we will keep producing excellent coffees with great cup profiles”. His Guji coffee ranked among our finest natural coffees during season 2018/2019.
2200 - 2200 masl.
Abiyot Boru